Thursday, September 13, 2012

Heu Encolpii!

I found Encolpius' hyperactive gag reflex (for example, Trimalchio's "Carpe, Carpe" pun turned him off food, and cracking the egg nearly made him throw up) was quite interesting. First, I have a hyperactive gag reflex myself; I only have to think about nasty things and I'm dry-heaving. On another note, how did the Romans react to such an involuntary reflex? I remember Thetis mentioning that blushing was fascinating to the Romans because it was an involuntary reflex. What would gagging be to the Romans?
On another note, Encolpius isn't supposed to be that smart. Maybe his involuntary turn of appetite and near-puking experiences indicate he's smarter than he lets on?

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