Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Show On Ancient Roman Food

These two Brits like to go around eating the foods of different time periods and in this episode, they focus on Rome!
It shows what a Vestal Virgin eats for lunch, how garum is made, and the different course of a cena!
I think we should do something similar at the end of term!
p.s. I hope this works!


Thetis said...

It worked! Ladies and gentleman, we can rise to this challenge. We'll have to set a date for a Roman potluck banquet. I am willing to host, though it might be a challenge to figure out how we can all recline in my triclinium.

Greg said...

One of my previous classes had a Roman banquet at the end, and let me give everyone some advice: do not allow me to cook a Roman beef patty braised in wine with fake garum. Something went terribly wrong.